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Giveaway Update!


If you're out there and you just CAN'T. STAND. IT. anymore... I have a little surprise for you. Full disclosure... it might have the opposite effect though. lol

So... here we go...

The 12 winners are in! Here's a few fun facts I'm trilled to report.

1. Lots of new faces!

2. Also a few OGs


...and I may have had a little...

moment when I saw that. lol

4. There were NO disqualifications!

That would have sucked!

5. Every single winner also got a brush set. I was going through the names checking Instagram like...

I honestly didn’t see that one coming at all, so Kudos to all of the winners for being super active on Instagram.

6. So many of the comments were


(yes... I just said that in my head in Cher from Clueless' voice lol)

7. The helpdesk had very few of these moments

but no worries... nothing I couldn't handle ...

lol... only partially serious

8. Tanya has

who the winners are, and I think she might be...

my untimely demise...

9. Like I said, there were SO MANY amazing comments and commenters, but I'm also pleased to report, some of those were the winners too! Though... I know there are plenty of people out there that are...

that don't comment for any number of reasons, but full disclosure, it's nice when you can give something to someone you have learned a little about through their commenting. That's all. So if you are reading this and you're not a commenter and you find yourself feeling a little ...

reading this right now...

Anyway... I hope that didn’t make matters worse. We will be recording the winners video later today. The queen is prepping as we "speak."

So... to all of you that entered, keep those ...

and stay tuned for the big reveal!


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